Women Of The Night: Clark County, WA Jail

Women of the Night have been here for decades. I found some lovely photo's but sad stories. Here they are.

Kathlyn Bennett Born in Colorado about 1889 age: 29 arrested 27 Sep 1918 for prostitution and Venereal.
Sentenced until cured. (no further information found).

  Francis Darrel Inmate# 1160 Born about 1898 in Texas. Crime Prostitution, Term: 30 days in county jail Arrested on 13 Dec 1917. Age: 17

Bernice Glover Inmate #2104 born about 1893 in Kansas. Crime Venereal. Occupation: Prostitute. Arrested 30 Sep 1919. Age 26.

Ruby Paulk Inmate #2280 Arrested March 1920
Crime: Venereal
Term: Held in County Jail until cured
Age: 17

Born 13 Sep 1903 in Gross, NE 
Died: Jun 1976 in Oynard, CA
She married Orville Wayne Rice (1901-1965)
They had 7 daughters.

Maud Raymond & Pearl Smith ran a House of Prostitution

I couldn't find any other information on them. 

Prostitution has been described as "the world's oldest profession. and despite consistent attempts at regulation, it continues nearly unchanged.

In America, prostitution was seen as a "necessary evil" that aided in marital fidelity, especially as a system that would allow men to obtain sex when their wives did not desire it.

In the 1830s, prostitution was becoming more visible in American cities, and with the professionalization of police forces, visible prostitutes such as streetwalkers risked arrest.

The jails would hold their prostitutes until they were cured from any venereal diseases they had, which was usually 30 days.

I feel compassion for each of these ladies. No women really chooses this profession and most of these ladies did get out and get married and have families. I would hope it made them stronger women, I hope they held their heads high. I am not a judging lady at all, I see their pain in their eyes in these photo's and just pray each found a life of happiness and all are at peace.
