Jose Nicolas Bitela: Burglary

Jose Nicolas Bitela was born 8 Dec 1889 in Apozol, Zacatecas, Mexico to Buenaventura Bitela and Maria Villagrana.

Inmate #37313 San Quentin Prison
Rec 17 Jan 1923
Crime: Burglary 2nd Degree
Term: 1-5 years
Paroled: 24 Mar 1924
Discharged: 17 May 1925

Jose was in some more trouble but not until 1932, I could find out where he went or what he was doing in between 1925 and 1932.

Inmate #17974 Folsom Prison
Crime:Vio Sec 146 CVA and Burglary 2nd Degree, to run currently
Rec: 15 July 1932

Jose died in Folsom prison on 29 June 1935 and is buried in the Folsom Prison Cemetery.

Photo by EDHGS

 I had found his parent through his baptism in Mexico. I do not know what he died of. I did not find one single newspaper clipping for him. I did however make him a tree on Ancestry.

Rest in peace Jose, you are not forgotten.
