Walter Daniel Griffith: A man with Paralyzed legs

 Walter Griffith had many alias and a couple birth dates as well.

One is 1 Apr 1896 Louisville, Kentucky. And another one is 1900 Scotland. I will venture the second one is for sure a lie.

My first discovery of Walter was this wanted poster.

I found some newspaper articles as well.

From: Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tue, Jun 10, 1919 · Page 1

In 1922 he was in trouble for Grand Larceny, I did not find any newspaper articles for this crime.

He gave the name Jack D. King, said he was born in Scotland, his age is 22. If you can read the writing under Marks, Scars And Moles, will see he was crippled from his knees down. With this distinction I was able to find his WWI and WWII Draft Cards, They are below.

He is where I found his birthdate of 1 Apr 1896 Louisville, Ky

Here he is claiming to be born 17 Sep 1900 in Omaha, NE

As you can see it says he is paralyzed

He are some more newspaper articles on earlier crimes of Walter's.

Santa Cruz Evening News
Santa Cruz, California
Mon, Jun 09, 1919 · Page 8

The Santa Barbara Daily News and the Independent
Santa Barbara, California
Wed, Aug 09, 1916 · Page 5

The San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco, California
Fri, Dec 31, 1915 · Page 6

Alameda Times Star
Alameda, California
Tue, Dec 28, 1915 · Page 1

Alameda Times Star
Alameda, California
Tue, Dec 28, 1915 · Page 3

He was in Ione Industrial School at some point in his young life for Grand Larceny, he spent 5 months there. This is stated on his prison card above.

I would like to know more about Walter, what happened to his family and his legs, I am going to guess it was polio but it would be nice to know for sure. Where did he die and did he stay out of trouble? So many questions.

He sure took that lawyer R. B. Tappan to the launder, charging things under his name and then he had the gall to go back to him, that's where he made his mistake, got too greedy. 

I hope you enjoyed Walter's story, perhaps a family member will leave us a comment and fill in more information for us.
