Robert Gustave De Sparr: No Morals

Robert Gustave De Sparr was born 14 Sep 1882 in San Francisco, CA. He was in and out of prison from 1913's to 1941. He was born to Eugene I De Sparr (1853-1943) & Hannah (1857-1924).

He was married to Sarah "Sally" L Earll (1887-1960) they had several children I found two.

Bertha L De Sparr 1910-1966
Earl F, De Sparr 1907-1973

Sally divorced him according to census records.

Inmate #26558 Folsom Prison
Rec: 27 May 1913
Crime: Rape
Paroled: 21 Dec 1915
Discharged: 27 May 1916

Inmate #38379 San Quentin 
Rec:21 Sep 1923
Crime: Vio Sec 286 P.C. 

Chapter 5: Bigamy, Incest, and the Crime Against Nature and Sodomy [281 - 289.6]

                         Transferred to Folsom #12755 2 Oct 1923
                         He was also Inmate #26267 in Atlanta USP

Robert Gustave De Sparr died 13 Apr 1952 from Hypertrophied Prostate. Guess he got what he deserved.

He is buried in the Folsom Prison Cemetery has a FAG Memorial #117838169


  1. Wow, how is he related to you? Even his mug shots looks unrepentant.

  2. I am not related to him or anyone else on this blog....That's kind of you though....I started this blog because I found photos and they kinda spoke to me to tell their stories so That's why I started this blog...I have another blog that's my family...I am hoping this blog will connect them to families who didn't know their stories.

    I appreciate you comment



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