Martina Wentworth Berthing Hays Davis: NSF Checks

Marina Davis was born about 1908 in India. She was a Scientific Researcher. This is all the information I have. 

I have so many questions about her names.

Inmate: #56126 San Quentin Prison 
Rec: 24 May 1934
Term: 0-14 years
Age: 26
Was transferred to Tehachapi Women's Prison 28 My 1934

I did not find any newspaper clippings.

I am assuming the amount of bad checks written was an substantial amount to be convicted and placed in prison. 

This case fascinates me, Who was she? Why would she need to write bad checks? Was she in America alone or did she come with her family? Why so may last names? Were they aliases if so why weren't they listed as such? Or were they all married names? She was very pretty, and very intelligent. What's her story?  What happened after she got out of prison? How much money were these checks and did she have an accomplice? 

I believe all her last names are names she used on the checks she wrote. 
