Unsolved Murders of Richard Myers, & Lily Farrimond-Gambles

Richard Myers was born 28 Apr 1859 in Standish, Wigan, Lincolnshire, England, to William Myers & Ann. Lilly Firrmonds was employed by him. She married  July 1921 to William Gambles.

Newspaper article:



Lily & Richard were found dead at Richards house where they all lived in Standish. Richard was found in the kitchen with his head bashed in and Lily was found in the bedroom up stairs on the bed, she had been strangled. They were discovered 8 Jul 1921. William Gambles was never heard from again.


William was last seen by a collier around 12:20am on 8 Jul 1921, a quarter of a mile from his house heading toward Wigan.

The day before William's cousin saw him and said he was heartbroken. His mother & sister did not attend his wedding a few days prior.

Lilly was born Jan 1896 to John Thomas Farrimond & Elizabeth Preston.

It was believed locally that William committed suicide by throwing himself down a mine shaft. 

A Nephew of Richard's said he had a will where Lily was mentioned.

A Coroner's Jury ascertained a verdict of guilty against William for the murders of Richard & Lily.

See more of the story at this link 


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Updated with newspaper articles.
