I started my research on John Livingstone and as I was working my way from 1880's to 1915 I found a newspaper article about him and it led me to her. So I decided to switch it around and have my post be about an innocent women who was brutally murdered.
Olive Mary Gwendoline Harvey Latham was born 16 Jan 1888 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia to Frederick George Harvey Latham BIRTH 1861,DEATH 30 OCT 1932 • Hobart, Tasmania, Australia and Edith Sarah Ada Absolom BIRTH 4 JUL 1867 • Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. DEATH 24 JUN 1948 • Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Both pictured below.
carry it into effect. Sentence was after
from injury. In addition, tfhe bace of the
Olive Mary Gwendoline Harvey Latham was born 16 Jan 1888 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia to Frederick George Harvey Latham BIRTH 1861,DEATH 30 OCT 1932 • Hobart, Tasmania, Australia and Edith Sarah Ada Absolom BIRTH 4 JUL 1867 • Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. DEATH 24 JUN 1948 • Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Both pictured below.
Olive married Charles Henry Richardson in 1910 and they had a daughter, Beatrice Gwendoline Richardson 1910-2003
Pictured below.
On the 24th of April 1915 John Livingstone entered Olive's home for reasons of theft, they did not know each other or it was never raised in court that they did.
He struck her in the head and fractured her skull, she died 10 May 1915. She was only 27 years old.
John Livingstone has a long rap sheet including attempted murder in 1890. He has other charges a long list, larceny, burglary, theft. He seems to of started his criminal behavior at age 12. He was born 11 Oct 1867 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. I do not have a death date but I know he got the death sentence for this murder. The sad thing is he had gotten a death sentence for his attempted murder charge in 1890 but it was reduced.
Below are some newspaper articles on this crime.
Here's a text version of an article I found
Hobart, June 15.
The Executive Council to-day considered
the case of John Livingstone, under sen
tence of death for the murder of Mrs.
Olive. Richardson at Sandy Bay. The de
cision of the Council was as follows:--'l'he I
Executive Council, having perused a copy
of the evidence and the report submitxed
by his Honour the Judge before whom the
case was tried, and having also personally
conferrel with his Honour, desire to advise
his Excellency to commute the seutence to
one of imprisonment for the term of the
prisoner's natural life. It is recorded that
the commutation of the death sultence in
this case, is made only on account of the
existence of the theoretical possiblity of
the condemned man's imnocence and, t I ihe
absence of new evidence, no future anplica
tion for release will be entertained."
It falls to the lot of few nme to have
the death sentence passed upon the:u twice,
but this has happened in the case of L:ving
stone. On December 9, 1890. Li':in.astone,
then a young man of 33 years of age, was
charged with unlawfully pushing Edward
Harrison off the barque Waterwitch into
the River Derwent with intent to drown,
and thereby murder lhimn. Hlarrison was
the watcllman of the WaIt.rwitcb. and, ac
coreing to the, evidence, Livingstone went
on board the boat. T'here was a scuffle
anid Harrison was pushed overboard, but
managed to get. ashore. The jury found
Livingstono guilty of assault with intent, to
murder, but added a recommendation to
mercy as they considered that the accused
was under the influence of liquor at the
time, and that he did not go on bioard t.lh?
Waterwvitch with the intention of murdering
Harrison. The Judge passed sentence of
death on Liviungstone, but indicated it was
not likely that the Executive Council would
warts commuted to one of five years'
Here's another account of what happened and mentions the child in the home.
Hobart, June 13.
The sentence of death rasped on John j
Livingstone for the murder of Mrs. Olive;
Richardson at Sandv Bay, on April 24, w<i_
to-day commuted to imprisonment for die
term of bia ji.itur.il _ie_ It is recorded I
íftiat the commutation of the death sen-
tence is made on account of the existence
of a theoretical possibility of the con-"'
detuned man's innocence, anJin the event
of any new evidence in the future an ap-
plication for release will be entertained.
Twenty-live years ago this same John
Livingstone was charged with the at
tempte.l murder of Edward Harrison, night
watchman on the barque Waterwitch. The
evidence on that oct'iu-lon fcho'wed that
Livingstone went on board the barque to
obtiin .stores, and endeavored to get the
watchman out of the way by hitting him
on the head and knocking him into the
water. Harrison got on to a fender along-
side, the wharf, whereupon Livingstone
climbed down and tried to force him back
into the water but failed. When he met
him subsequently on the_ wharf he again
assaulted Harrison. Livingstone was sen-
tence to death, but it was commuted to
five years' imprisonment, the judge ex-'
pressing the hope that it would prove a
lesson to him.
The crime for which Livingstone -was last
sentenced was for killing a young married
woman, Mrs. Charles Richardson, jun. Her
husband and others left home at 4 o'clock
to do milking, and when they returned at
6 o'clock the husband found his wife lying
on tile bed in a pool of blood, her head
looking as if it had been battered in. Ap
pcirances indicated that the intruder saw
the woman 'in bed and at once mutilated
her. all the blows evidently being directed
to the head, her teeth being smashed in.
and one side of the skull being hardly free
skull was fractured. She never regained
consciousness, but died several days later.
There was only one child, aged 3, in the
house at the time, but she was untouched.
Unfortunately I never found any death records for John Livingstone. I was hoping he was executed but I found no proof.
I made a Findagrave memorial for Olive because there wasn't one and I felt she deserves to be remembered. You can leave flowers for her here.
- MEMORIAL ID 186552864
I pondered if I should post a photo of her murderer but I decided I would. So below is his 1884 mug shot.
Charles Henry Richardson 1889-1958
Re-married in 1917 to Zoe May Stacey, they had a son Robert Edward Richardson 1919-1978
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