Louis John Rogina: Wanted Poster

Louis John Rogina was born 18 Jun 1885 in Austria. He was wanted by J.J. Fox Constable in Crockett, CA.

He married Anna Zager and they had the following children

Frankie Rogina
Tony Rogina
Louie Rogina
Edward John Rogina
Anne Delores Capan
Albert Donald Rogina Sr

Louis John Rogina died 25 Jan 1947 in San Francisco, CA
His FAG #106579481

I did not find any criminal or prison records for Louis except for the wanted posters.

I also looked under his alias John Melrose and found nothing.


  1. This is my husband's step grandfather. Great information, but Frankie "Frank George Rogina" was the son of Ann's first husband not Louis. She had three children prior to Louis

  2. Thank you ever so much for helping me correct information...Feel free to copy/download the information I posted I also made him a tree..I will correct it all. Again thanks


  3. You are welcome, it is a complex/ complicated tree with Anna being married to two different Rogina men.

    Anna with Antone Rogina 1889-1918 3 children Frank George 1917-1990 Anthony (Tony) 1915-? Louis John 1916-1979.

    with Louis John Rogina 7 children Dorothy 1921-2018, Edward John 1922-2002, Walter Louis 1923-1968, Anne Delores 1924-2005, Helen Rugh 1926-alive, Albert Donald 1927-2002, Raymond 1928-alive.


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