Americus Martinelli: A Man With Many Numbers

Americus Martinelli was born  6 Jun 1880 in Italy. I have not found his parents with 100% clarity yet but I did find two brothers Alfred and Leo. Here's Americus story.

Inmate #2031 McNeil Island (Federal Prison)
Rec: 19 Jul 1911
Crime: Counterfeiting 
Term: 7 years
Transferred to Leavenworth

Inmate #8160 Leavenworth
Rec: 5 Sep 1912 From Portland, OR (McNeil Island)
Crime: Counterfeiting 
Term: 7 years
Discharged: 14 Sep 1916

He was part a the Italian Black Band.

Inmate #22772
Rec: 4 Jan 1940 As Lorenso Martini
Crime: Grand Theft 2 Counts run CC
Term: 1-10 years 2 Counts Run CC
Alias Lorenzo Martini
Transferred to San Quentin 

Americus had lots of police records to boot, Santa Ana, CA, San Antonio, TX, Fort Worth, TX, Detroit, MI, Salt Lake City, UT, Denver, CO, NYC, Seattle, WA, POrtland, OR, Clifton, NJ.

He also had the following alias: Frank Benard, Lorenzo Martini, George Lucast, Frank Martinelli, Frank Landi, Frank Miller.

I did not find any death record for him under any of these names. I suppose he most likely died behind bars under an alias and was buried in a county cemetery in a unmarked plot.

That's really sad to know. I might have found a wife but I am not sure it's a census record and I need to do more research before I would post it here.

I believe his real name to be Americus Martinelli because I found his brothers which were list in his Leavenworth Prison records. He was 60 years old when he entered San Quentin but there is no discharge date so I think he might have died there. 

Where ever you are Americus it was an adventure trying to tell your story. I enjoyed finding out about you what I did. I wonder if we will see each other in the after life so I can find out your whole story.
