Cruz Trejo: Wanted For Murder

Cruz Trejo Wanted Poster From Tulare County Sheriff office in California. He was born 3 May 1906 in Mexico, although most of the records found say Texas. But I found his birth record. His parents were Nazario Trejo &
María Felípa.

In doing my research I found many arrest records in the Tulare County Jail for Cruz most are battery. 

The photo shows him with his wife Soledad Rodregues 1912-1945

They were married 20 Feb 1926 in Texas and had the following children:

Tom Trejo 1927-2011
Eva T Trejo 1932-2005
Henry Trejo 1934-2007
Cruz Trejo 1935-1972
Dolares/Dolores Trejo 1937-

Several of the children also have jail records in Tulare County, CA.

Cruz Trejo died in Oct 1973 in Dunuba, CA 

I never found out if he did prison time for the Murder crime in his wanted poster. I looked through the California Prison records on Ancestry and found nothing. But on I found these articles.

This article explains he wasn't the man wanted for murder but one who looked him but with a red mustache.

Cruz was notorious in his own right. I am hoping this will connect with a family member so they can have this story and lovely photo.


  1. This my grandfather thank you for sharing all of this was very interested to find out a little bit about if you get any other info on humor pictures I would appreciate if you forward them to me
    My name is Manuel Trejo son of Ernest David Trejo one of his sons from a marriage previous to this marriage you are speaking of in your article

    1. Thank you for your comment, I did make him a tree on Ancestry and all this is attached and feel free to use whatever info I have.


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