Arthur Burke Arnold: Burglary, Dies in Knife Fight In Folsom Prison

Arthur Burke Arnold was 1895 in Alabama.

Inmate #42066 San Quentin Prison (California)
Rec: 17 April 1926
Crime: Receiving Stolen Property 
Term: 0-5 Years
Age: 30

In 1928 he was sentenced to Folsom Prison

Inmate #15746 Folsom Prison (California)
Rec: 9 June 1928
Crime: Burglary 2nd Degree
Term: 1-15 Years

In October of 1932 he was accused of stealing a newspaper and was hit by Dizon Alperto who was placed in the dungeon and because of this there was retaliation against Arthur.

Frank Miller Inmate #14935 Folsom prison
Rec: 8 Oct 1927
Crime: Murder 1st Degree
Term: Life

James Syverson Inmate #16679 Folsom Prison
Rec: 28 Feb 1931
Crime: Robbery 1st Degree
Term: 20 Years

I did not find any record for Dizon Alperto, I am wondering if the newspaper got his name wrong, or misspelling it.

Sad that these men took a life over an argument of such trivial importance, I wonder what was in that newspaper.
