Mah Noon:Assault To Murder

Mah Noon was born about 1874 in China.

He was a part of the Tong Wars in San Francisco,  California. These Wars begun in 1880's and progressed violent through the 1900's.Tong wars could be triggered by a variety of inter-gang grievances, from the public besmirching of another tong's honor to failure to make full payment for a "slave girl" to the murder of a rival Tong member. Each tong had salaried soldiers, known as boo how doy, who fought in Chinatown alleys and streets over the control of opium, prostitution, gambling, and territory.  Here is Mah Non's story.

Inmate #17829 San Quentin Prison
Rec: 6 Jul 1898
Crime: Assault To Murder
Term: 14 Years
Paroled: 6 May 1907
Pardoned: 9 Jan 1903

Here's a newspaper account of what happened:

George McMahon. Corporal Dan Sylvester, his squad and Special Policemen George Downey and Gus Finn were on the scenes of both affairs soon after they happened. The officers learned the cause of the trouble and until a late hour searched for Mah Noon, but" were unable to locate him. Noon is' the man who, on March - 30, 1898, shot and killed LIm Sier and seriously injured  Policeman  Pat , Tracy. The indictment for the latter crime is still hanging over his head. While serving a term for murder in San Quentin Henry T. Gage, who was then Governor, acquired a taste for the Mongolian's dainty cooking and, paroling him, took him to his ranch at Downey. On January 6 of the present year, the then Governor granted Mah Noon an absolute pardon, though his crime was one of the most cold-blooded ever committed in Chinatown and his record one of the worst. For the last two weeks Mah Noon has been engaged in blackmailing houses throughout the district and was a leading spirit in the trouble between the Wong family and the Sen Suey Yings, which was recently settled.

When the Hod Sings learned that Mah Noon was bent on murder several animated discussions regarding his purpose occurred on the streets. Then hostilities broke out anew, and a few minutes afterward How Kam Yue, a Sen Suey Ying man, lay on a sidewalk at the corner of "Waverly place and Washington street with a bullet through his neck. Boo Wan Hoey, the Hop Sing man who shot him, ran down to the corner of Kearny and Sacramento streets, where he was captured by Special Policeman Barney Maloney. The wounded man Identified him at the Receiving Hospital. How Kam Yue will recover. Then the Sen Suey Yings, bent on revenge, started out in search of a Hop Sing man and half an hour after the first shooting Chan Luey was hit by a bullet as he was passing in front of 17 Spofford alley. As In the first case, his injuries were not serious and at the hospital he accused Won Ah Chew, a Sen Suey Ying highbinder, of having fired the shot. The latter made his escape. 


Mah Noon, the notorious highbinder v.'ho was paroled from San Quentin and later given a pardon by Governor Gage, was the occasion of two shooting affairs In Chinatown last night. He has been in the city but a few days, and since his arrival has returned to his habits of strife, blackmail and blood, with the result that war between two powerful tongs, has been resumed, and the police predict much loss of life before its close. Mah Noon is a Sen Suey Ying highbinder, and early last night lay in wait for Mah On, the interpreter for the Hop Sing tong. Mah On had been shot by the Sen Suey Ylng men about seven months ago near the See Yup headquarters, but when he recovered the hatchet was burled, and- it remained for Mah Noon to revive  old' feeling as soon as the gates of the prison had been opened to him. Mah Noon had a big revolver and intended to finish the work of murder which his tong had left undone. Mah Noon Returns to City and Bloodshed Is the  Result. Shooting of Tong Man  Quickly Followed by Another.. BULLETS MAIM TWO CHINESE "

The San Francisco Call 
San Francisco, California

06 Dec 1903, Sun  •  Page 33

While numerous, tongs had some similarities. Most tongs did not require new member to be from a specific clan, birthplace, or economic status, since tong members seem to have come from all different aspects of society. Also, while most tong members were Chinese, membership was not limited on the basis of nationality. Japanese, Filipino, and even Caucasians were known, albeit rarely, to join a tong organization.

Although I did not find any family information for Mah I just had to write his story and make him a tree on Ancestry. 

I only found one possible records although the birth year is a few decades off.

NAME: Mah Lung Noon
BIRTH DATE: 1 Jan 1891
DEATH DATE: 26 Jun 1942
DEATH PLACE: San Francisco

