Mrs. Isabell Josephine Martin: Dynomites Judge's House

 Isabelle Josephine Bidwell Born about 1861 in New York. Possible Husband Daniel Ross Martin and Son John Bidwell Martin.

Her brothers Austin Biron and George Bidwell, well known criminals on 2 continents.

Inmate #24829 San Quentin Prison 
Rec: 10 Feb 1911
Crime: Vio Sec 601(Dynomite) 
Term: Life
Was transferred to Napa Asylum 15 Aug 1913

She had the power to hypnotize her son to do criminal acts for her.

 Her brother's almost bankrupted the Bank of England with their forgeries, until they were finally caught.

Isabell tried to burn down her home on three separate occasions. She refused to pay the damages to the Westchester Fire Insurance Company and was taken to court. Guess who the Judge was, Judge Ogden whom's house she dynomited.

Napa Asylum in Napa, CA

Her so called son whom no one knows where she got him from, was sent to Weaverville, CA where by 1930 he is married to Viola and has a son Elmer Vernon Martin.

I did not find a death date for Isabelle. 

I did find some information on her brothers and a photo.

Above is the forged bank note the Bidwell Brother's forged 

Above is the trial of the Bidwell Brother's 1873 England.

For further reading:

George is standing Austin is sitting.

I am not 100% convinced they were her brothers, after all she told a lot of stories and most were not true. I did not find a connection, there were several trees on Ancestry with the brothers in them and no sister names Isabelle, unless her name too was a lie.
