May Eve Stewart: Thief & Runaway

May Eve Stewart was born in Lewinsville, AV about 1888, her father was A. T. Stewart a well known family and well to do. She was also called Mary.

I found some very interesting and detailed newspaper clippings for May.

Both from Nov 1900 Virginia Here are a few more from that same year.

1905 Washington D.C. Here's another from this same year and place.

1914 Virginia 

I didn't find anything else about May or her family. After reading all articles my conclusion is that she was a spoiled brat and when she didn't get her way she went to drastic measure until she did. The article mentioned a sister who stood up and fought for her, she must of loved May inmaesurably. I hope she turned her life around and became a lady and did something extraordinary with her life to of made her parents proud. I am sure they were very embarrassed by her actions. 
