William D Sindram: Murdered His Landlady

William D Sindram (William Edward Sindram) was born about 1850 in New York City to Phillip Franz Sindram (1815-?) & Ann Bollinger (Might be her maiden name)(1814-1893).

William's brother Adolph told him his landlady, Mrs. Catherine Craves had an extra room for rent. He had no idea what that would bring. He was dubbed "A HUMAN DEVIL" in the newspapers.

Catherine and her husband and their children (his from his first marriage) all lived in a modest home at No 4 Charlton St. NYC.

William's siblings were:

Catherine Marie Elsie Sindram
William D Sindram
Adolph Sindram
Anna Sindram


Here's the short version of what happened.

Some newspaper clippings:


Below is the newspaper articles about his execution and his mother's visit before he was hung. She begged him to give himself to God, so he would go to Heaven. Heart breaking because he says he told her he would but then doesn't.




Here's some of the trial and Supreme Court records.


Above is the court trial transcripts, several hundred pages for your reading pleasure. Gives you more of an idea of the mindset of William.


On 10 Dec 1881
Mrs. Crave was 51 years Of age and kept a respectable boarding- house, at No. 4 Charlton street, where the Sindram brothers lived until January last. On the night before the shooting it came to Mrs. Crave 's notice that William Sindram had called her names. She told Emil her stepson, to go to his room, and when William came home to tell him : that I be could pot lodge in the house any longer. William  came in , and was told that he could not occupy his room any longer. He took some of his clothes and left very angry. The next morning Miss Henrietta, the daughter of Mrs. Crave, heard someone walking about the  hall, and went up to see who it was. It was William, he wanted to see her mother. Mrs. Crave, who was in the second story, leaned out and asked  WHAT HE WANTED in the house. William shouted: "Come down and I will show you what I want." Miss Henrietta cried out to her mother: "Run upstairs mother he has a pistol, and Is going to shoot.'' William ran up the stairs and Mrs. Crave ran to a window and screamed for help. William approached her, pointed his pistol to her head and shot,  in fact, the powder blacken her face from the fire. William  then escaped to  the street, where he was shortly afterward arrested. Mrs. Crave lingered a few months in agony before she died. 

William was hung at the Tombs in New York City 21 Apr 1882.

Here are some of the prison records I found.

He obviously didn't think his crime through very well, with the children being in the house to identify him, where was he going to go, to hide from the authorities? But then most criminals aren't clever or they wouldn't get caught. 
