Charles Francis Corrigan: Assault To Rape

Charles Francis Corrigan was born 26 Nov 1905 in San Francisco, CA. To Joseph Corrigan (1873-1934) & Iva Alice Stevens (1872-1941).

Inmate: #55168 San Quentin Prison
Rec: 16 Dec 1933
Crime: Assault to Rape
Age: 27
Paroled: 19 Feb 1935
Discharged from parole: 16 July 1937

His accomplice was Ernest M. Morton, and his wife filed for divorce.

 Below is from Google Books: Journal of the Assembly, Legislature of the State of California

The second crime mentioned was Vio Sec 476 was writing of bad check.

He applied for his Seaman Papers

He was approved and began his voyages. I found a few of them on Ancestry.

3 May 1935 He sailed on the SS President Coolidge from Honolulu to San Francisco, CA.

Here are photos I found of the ship

This ship would falter, here is link for you to read about it's tragic story. I do not know if he was on it at the time.

Below are his passenger list papers, I found on Ancestry.

28 Sep 1943 he was a crew member aboard the SS William H. Crawford sailing from Trinidad to New York City. Below are the papers found on Ancestry.

His status for both records means:

able seaman
Watch (in port) Varies (varies) An able seaman (AB) is a naval rating of the deck department of a merchant ship with more than two years' experience at sea and considered "well acquainted with his duty". An AB may work as a watchstander, a day worker, or a combination of these roles.

12 Oct 1944 He was arriving in New Orleans from Cuba, I think the name of the ship is Joe Herriman/Heumann, this records also found on Ancestry.

11 July 1945 he would Arrive in Seattle from New Guinea as 2nd Mate aboard the SS James B. Eads. 

The Passenger Crew Record.

He was 2nd Mate aboard this ship at 39 years old.

He married Catherine Fitzgerald (1906-1997) on 14 Sep 1945 in San Francisco. I didn't find any children. They lived here, 54 Camellia Ave, San Francisco , CA

Aboard the SS Frank J Sprague on 16 Mar 1948 he left Yokohama for San Francisco. He was Chief Mate.

11 Aug 1948 he was aboard SS Rufus Peckham as 3rd Mate, sailing from Portland, OR to San Francisco 22 Sep 1948.

8 Nov 1949 he was aboard the SS Permanente Silverbow as a JR. 3rd Mate. Departing from San Marves Islands, Mexico arriving in San Francisco.

Here is the Passenger Crew Records:

The last Crew Passenger list I found for Charles was also aboard the SS Permanente Silverbow as JR 3rd Mate 2 Dec 1953 From Honolulu to San Francisco.

Charles died 22 Nov 1983 in Fresno, CA. I believe he was reformed, although I do not know what truly happened with the assault, the do not give the details in the newspaper clippings, reviewing the trial records would help. If he had continued to get into trouble he would of lost his Seaman Papers and would not of been allowed to sail. The way he kept advancing on the ships he was on tells me he was disciplined. I added everything to the tree I made him him on Ancestry for his descendents. I would not be ashamed of anything any of my ancestors did, as I wasn't there and it does not have anything to do with me and my character.

I am happy he ended up have adventures and discovering the world the way he did. 
