Louisa Zamora: Murder

Louisa Zamora was married to Louis B Zamora. They had foster children: Here is their story.

 Inmate: #6897 Stockton Jail

Arrested: 21 Dec 1925

Crime: Murder 

Her Adopted daughter Leonora Aguilar death 24 Dec 1924. Their other foster children names I have listed below, some might be missing.

Mary Johnson

Raymond Zacharias

Ophelia was 3 yrs old at the time and missing

Here are the newspaper clipping on the case, there are tons of them so I only select the ones with lots of facts. Click the links below to read the full newspaper article.







She must of had one heck of a good attorney, he proved his case well. They never identified the body of the girl they pulled out of the cesspool. It was never determined to be Leonora. I am sure she was guilty, but this is where our court system worked sadly.

The District Attorney's office didn't have all their ducks in a row on this one. What I want to know is what happened to all the missing children? Nothing was ever said in the newspapers. I guess I will have to try and purchase the court documents and do a follow up story on this because it really pulls at me. 

In some instances these kids were referred as foster children and in another they were called adopted children. If she and her husband were foster parents that would be documented at the courthouse as well, most likely in Tracy and I would want to get those records, they would tell how many kids they were caring for. Seems to me they were doing it for the money. Although they were also fruit pickers, which didn't pay well. What a story!!!! She looks pretty darn happy in her mugshot.
