Henry L. Andrews: Robbery & Assault To Murder

Henry L. Andrew was born in 1888 in Alabama, to Samuel Andrews & Jane Cobbs.

Inmate: #16449 Folsom Prison
Rec: 12 Sep 1930
Crime: Robbery 1st Degree, Assault to Murder, & Burglary (all to run concurrent)

Here are 2 newspaper articles I found, click the links below to read them.

Him and some other fella beat Robert Mathney to a pulp and robbed him, he was a ranch foreman.

Henry was a cabinet maker.

He had a prior from 1923

Inmate: #37282 San Quentin Prison
Rec: 7 Jan 1923
Crime: Vio. Of Penal Code 288 (Sexual Assault)
Here's the link for explanation.

I didn't find a newspaper clipping for this crime. It might of been a child but without seeing the records or a newspaper clipping it's pearly speculation.

He died while he was in Folsom Prison and he was buried in the prison cemetery. He died 30 Dec 1934.

All that is on his stone is his prison number and his death date

His Find-A-Grave memorial id at the link below


Henry's siblings:

Gilbert Andrews


Stafford Andrews


Henry L. Andrews


Robert Andrews


Jerry Andrews


Henry was a violent man, but why, he wasn't born that way, he was made that way.
