Stanisloff Brezeski: Burglar

Stanisloff Brezeski real name most likely Stanisloff Vonia Korsky or(Vorniadousky) was born in 1850 in Poland. He escaped a Russian Prison with a few other men and came to America.

Inmate: #15824 San Quentin Prison
Rec: 14 Feb 1894
Crime: Burglary 1st Degree
as Stanislaus Vaniadou
Notice discharge date by Oct he was back in.

Inmate: #17006 San Quentin Prison
Rec: 19 Oct 1896
Crime: Burglary 1st Degree
as Stanislaus VoniaKorsky

Newspaper clipping is from 1893 San Francisco Chronicle


Inmate: #15524 San Quentin Prison
Rec: Dec 1902
Crime: Burglary 1st Degree

as Stanislaus Vorniadousky

He was living in San Francisco from the time he arrived in America .

He wasn't in a California Prison again until 1911, where is was is a mystery, I search all his names for records and came up empty.

Inmate: #25049 San Quentin Prison
Rec: 7 Jul 1911
Crime: Burglary 1st Degree

Inmate: 9208 Folsom Prison
Rec: 31 Aug 1914
Crime: Burglary 2nd Degree

This would be his last time out of prison as he would die 10 May 1919 in the prison hospital and be buried in the prison cemetery, and for be Inmate #9208.
