Oscar Miller: Chicken Thief

 Oscar Miller was born about 1902 to 1905 in Kentucky.  He was either Oscar Lee Miller or Oscar Love Miller or they were one in the same. 

Inmate: #24784 Oklahoma State Prison
Rec: 3 Nov 1931

He escaped from Lewis Gang while cutting weeds on 3 Aug 1932

He was returned to prison on 10 Oct 1932

                  He was in trouble in 1925



His last charge was a very serious one. Since I am not 100% sure which Oscar he is I left out his family history. If he is Oscar Love Miller there are photos of him on Ancestry and to me they look like the same man. But I didn't want to post anything without proof and upset the family members, as they have nothing criminal in their trees. 

This man must of been hungry and maybe he had a family to feed and they were hungry as well. This was still during the depression.

